Personal technology architecture
by Espen Andersen
December 2001
Product language in electronic media design
by Steffen Klein
December 2001Communication follows function: How products communicate to users and why designers should care.
Knowledge management for life: make the world a better place
by Joseph Rubenfeld
December 2001
Corporate leadership in a volatile networked world
by Don Tapscott
November 2001When transparency reigns, corporations have nowhere to hide.
The European IST ExPlanTech project
by Adamantios Koumpis
November 2001Hands-on adoption of a multi-agent production planning technology in the manufacturing industry.
Optimizing bandwidth
by Geoffrey Fox, Shrideep Pallickara
November 2001An approach to high performance distributed Web brokering.
What would Justice Brandeis say?
by Robert C. Heterick
October 2001
What is software engineering?
by Bill Curran
October 2001The name implies scientific rigor, and opens software engineering to the charge that it is a pseudo-science flying under false colors.
Perfect choice
by Richard T. Watson
October 2001
Minimizing the digitial divide and the inter-generation gap
by Edna Aphek
September 2001
The seekers
by M. O. Thirunarayanan
September 2001
No boundaries for the journeys of the mind
by Arun Kumar Tripathi
September 2001
Unleashing human capital to drive the next wave of growth
by Britton Manasco
September 2001
Unclear on concept: anarchy and the Internet
by M. E. Kabay
August 2001
Altitude vs. airspeed
by Jamie Myers
July 2001
Perspectives on privacy in Campus IT
July 2001
The technology is the message
by Mat Kaplan
July 2001
Collective education
by George Dvorak
July 2001
On the next killer app
by Ron A. Zajac
June 2001
EDA software: quality is not optional
by R. Raghuraman
June 2001
Tracking the competition
by Carol A. Twigg
May 2001
Is M.I.T giving away the store?
by Robert C. Heterick
May 2001
The Information Producers Initiative
by Seth Johnson
May 2001
Time for industry to support academic INFOSEC
by M. E. Kabay
May 2001
Work in the coming age
by John Gray
April 2001
The impending McMorphosis of the global professor
by M. O. Thirunarayanan
April 2001
Viruses and worms: more than a technical problem
by M. E. Kabay
March 2001
The rise and fall of corporate electronic mail
by Sylvia Lanz
March 2001
Digital technology and its impact on black genealogical research
by Jeremy E. White
March 2001
Business computing and the excitement of history
by Michael C. Potter
March 2001
Voting after Florida: no easy answers
by Lorrie Faith Cranor
February 2001
Effective unit testing
by Tim Burns
January 2001
A grand role for IT
by Howie Jacobson
February 2001
Controlling risk
by Patricia Duhart McNair
January 2001
Sam Spam the flimflam man
by Shannon Jacobs
January 2001
Now hiring: Sciengineer
by R. Raghuraman
January 2001
The civilization of illiteracy
by Mihai Nadin
January 2001
The Piper Cub Offense
by Jef Raskin
January 2001
Learner interactivity and production complexity in computer-based instructional materials
by Robert S. Tannenbaum
February 2001