John Stuckey Collection
Information, DNA, and Change Through the Prism of a Great City
by John Stuckey
August 2008After retiring from a career in academic/IT management at Carnegie-Mellon, Northeastern, and Washington and Lee Universities, John Stuckey is serving as Acting Chief Technology Officer at the American University in Cairo. This is the third of his reports to Ubiquity from Egypt. ...
How many Americans does it take to change a light bulb?
by John Stuckey
January 2008I changed a light bulb yesterday. Or, rather, I had the thing changed. I told an Egyptian friend I had a couple of bulbs burnt out and was assuming I could pick some up at one of the larger new supermarkets. He looked at me with barely concealed pity for my ignorance. No, he said. They don't carry light bulbs in a market. Later, in e-mail, he would spell it "light pulp," which is an image I find quite intriguing. Where's Einstein when you need him? Might light pulp be what glows inside the glass, I wonder? ...
About english: On the other hand
by John Stuckey
January 2008I read Philip Yaffe's two recent Ubiquity pieces with interest, all the more so because I myself have plunged back into an international experience after sampling the delights of retirement for a year. ...
Why the heck does higher ED need chief information/technology officers?
by John Stuckey
August 2007
Fortran days
by John Stuckey
December 2006
Critical thinking for the google generation
by John Stuckey
May 2006
Review of 'Einstein's Dreams': Book by Alan Lightman, Pantheon Books, Random House, NYC, NY, 1994
by John Stuckey
January 2005John Stuckey reviews the book 'Einstein's Dreams,' by Alan Lightman: Warner Books Edition, Pantheon Books, Random House, NYC, NY, 1994. ...
Review of "The medici effect: Breakthrough insights at the intersection of ideas, concepts & cultures" by Frans Johansson, Harvard Business School Press , Boston, 2004
by John Stuckey
November 2004
Review of "The mobile connection: The cell phone's impact on society" by Rich Ling, (The Morgan Kaufmann series in interactive technologies), Morgan Kaufman publishers, an imprint of Elsevier, San Francisco
by John Stuckey
September 2004
Review of "Does it matter? Information technology and the corrosion of competitive advantage" by Nicholas G. Carr, Harvard Business School Press, 2004, Boston, Massachusetts
by John Stuckey
June 2004
The dynamics of E-commerce
by John Stuckey
March 2001