Words That Don't Translate into English
The better you become as a good expository (non-fiction) writer, the more you appreciate just how challenging (and rewarding) it is to produce good expository text. Most treatises on good writing seem to presume that you are writing for native speakers of the language in which you are writing. However, often this is not the case. If you are not a polyglot, a poor translation could lead to poor outcomes. ...
Companion Robots: A Debate
Is it good or bad for humans to form intimate relationships with machines? This question has vexed machine designers for many years. Ubiquity is pleased to present a debate on companion robots. Computer scientist and author Michael Quinn argues their use may bring harmful consequences. Ubiquity's Jeff Riley, a semi-retired technologist and casual researcher in theoretical astrophysics, argues they have proved beneficial in research studies. Following their position papers are short rebuttals by Quinn and Riley on each other's positions. ...