acm - an acm publication

Ubiquity Topic Areas

Autonomous Driving

How will cars, trucks, ships and airplanes of the future work?  We are especially interested in theory, applications, methods and software and hardware tools that assist drivers and enable autonomous driving systems.
Senior (Area) Editor, Rob Akscyn.
Associate Editors, Vivek Chaturvedi

Programming Languages

How do languages appear, get adopted, become fashionable, and then fade away? We are especially interested in the lifecycles of programming languages in developer communities and in prominent companies, their strengths, limitations, and popularity.
Senior (Area) Editor, Rob Akscyn

Startup Space for CS Disciplines

What new areas of computer science are “hot” and receiving startup funding? We are interested in profiles of cutting edge start-ups, new projects, accelerator programs, and competitions.
Senior (Area) Editor, Alessio Malizia

Learning About CS Disciplines

What are the many sub-areas of CS? We are interested helping readers with their goals in depth and breadth of CS areas, through reading lists, data repositories, open source projects and communities, reviews of books, and reports on important conferences.
Senior (Area) Editor, Erol Gelenbe

Industrial Adoption of Technologies

What is involved with the adoption of technologies and research in industries? We are interested in barriers to adoption, history of lab-to-market ideas, the role of industrial finance, and intellectual property protection.
Senior (Area) Editor, Espen Andersen

Technical Skills in the Next Generation

What skills will the next generation of professionals need? We are interested in new skill sets, how they relate to existing skill sets, why they will become important, and what languages, what development systems, what data analytics will be needed.
Senior (Area) Editor, Sharad Sinha

Hacking, Digital Surveillance, and Internet Censorship

Will we ever get the upper hand with the “wildcraft” of of the digital world? We are interested in how to safeguard against hacks, surveillance, and censorship, and in how how online communities gather strength and create isolation from other communities.
Senior (Area) Editors, Ted Lewis and Andrew Odlyzko


What makes cyber security so hard? We are interested all aspects—concepts, methods, tools, testbeds, software and hardware security, social network security, protection of personal data in large repositories, network security, web security, cryptography, and more.
Senior (Area) Editors, Erol Gelenbe and Andrew Odlyzko.
Associate Editors, Vivek Chaturvedi

Artificial Intelligence

What are recent and coming advances in artificial intelligence and its applications in many domains? We are interested in advances in natural language processing, bio-inspired computing, data mining, knowledge discovery, evolutionary computation, robotics, predictions of singularity, and more.
Senior (Area) Editor, Kemal A. Delic.
Associate Editors, Walter Tichy and Jeff Riley

Machine Learning

What does it mean for a machine to self-learn and acquire new capabilities? We are interested in successes with neural networks and their fragility when used in situations not covered by their training sets.
Senior (Area) Editor, Sharad Sinha.
Associate Editors, Jeff Riley and Vivek Chaturvedi

Big Data and Internet of Things

How are new methods of analyzing very large data sets giving useful insights? We are interested in methods of data generation from sensors, analysis, storage, retrieval, and Internet of Things (IoT).
Senior (Area) Editor, Sharad Sinha

Future of Work and Society

How are technology, society, work, and automation shaping each other?

Moonshot Ideas

Any story that does not fall within the scope of the areas listed above.
Senior (Area) Editors, Rob Akscyn and Andrew Odlyzko