acm - an acm publication

Interviews are organized by the month and year in which they first appeared. To find an interviewee by name, use the search bar (at upper right).



  • An Interview with David Rejeski: Making policy in a Moore's Law world
    The accelerated rate of scientific discovery and technological innovation makes it difficult to keep up with the pace of change. What do policymakers know of nanotechnology and genetic modification? David Rejeski helps government agencies anticipate emerging technological issues.
  • Talking with security expert M. E. Kabay
    Adaptive attackers, novice computer users, indifferent management - it's no wonder our defensive mechanisms need continuous refinement.
  • Talking with Ben Chi of NYSERNet
    How the Internet began in New York State, the current state of Internet2, and the remote possibility of Internet3
  • A whole new worldview
    Anthropologist Christopher Kelty on programmers, networks and information technology
  • A designing life: Blade Kotelly
    A speech-recognition software expert explains the difference between good design and ambiguity, how good designs go bad, and why everyone is a designer.
  • Building an inventive organization
    A creativity expert distinguishes the concept of creativity from that of innovation and discusses how to create a corporate culture that really fosters creativity
  • The Virtues of Virtual
    Abbe Mowshowitz talks about virtual organization as way of managing activities and describes the rise of virtual feudalism.
  • A model of democracy
    When can you have freedom, equality, moral reciprocity and a paycheck? Brook Manville on the surprising blueprint for organizational management.
  • Putting it all together with Robert Kahn
    The co-founder of the Internet recalls the non-commercial early days and looks at today's issues of fair use, privacy and the need for security.
  • Information access on the wide open web
    RLG's James Michalko discusses the issues surrounding the access and retrieval of scholarly information in today's environment of choice.
  • Do you know what's in your project portfolio?
    Cathleen Benko and Warren McFarlan, authors of "Connecting the Dots: Aligning Projects with Objectives in Unpredictable Times" discuss the dangers of ignoring your IT portfolio.
  • Talking with John Stuckey
    A conversation with the Director of University Computing at Washington and Lee University