If You Write It Better, You Will Say It Better
Today it is generally accepted that to fully achieve in most fields of endeavor you must be a competent (if not a superior) writer and public speaker. Computer science and computer programming are no exception. However, it is a mistake to believe that good expository (non-fiction) writing public speaking are distinct disciplines. They are flipsides of the same coin. Recognizing this essential dualism makes achieving competence in both faster and significantly easier. ...

Words That Don't Translate into English
The better you become as a good expository (non-fiction) writer, the more you appreciate just how challenging (and rewarding) it is to produce good expository text. Most treatises on good writing seem to presume that you are writing for native speakers of the language in which you are writing. However, often this is not the case. If you are not a polyglot, a poor translation could lead to poor outcomes. ...