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2013 Symposia

A Ubiquity symposium is an organized debate around a proposition or point of view. It is a means to explore a complex issue from multiple perspectives. An early example of a symposium on teaching computer science appeared in Communications of the ACM (December 1989).

To organize a symposium, please read our guidelines.


Ubiquity Symposium: The Science in Computer Science

Table of Contents

  1. The Science In Computer Science Opening Statement, by Peter Denning

  2. Computer Science Revisited, Vinton Cerf

  3. ACM President's Letter: Performance Analysis: Experimental computer science as its best, by Peter Denning

  4. Broadening CS Enrollments: An interview with Jan Cuny, by Richard Snodgrass

  5. How to Talk About Science: Five Essential Insights, Shawn Carlson

  6. The Sixteen Character Traits of Science, by Philip Yaffe

  7. Why You Should Choose Math in High School, by Espen Andersen

  8. On Experimental Algorithmics: An Interview with Catherine Mcgeoch and Bernard Moret,by Richard Snodgrass

  9. Empirical Software Research: An Interview with Dag Sjøberg, University of Oslo, Norway, by Walter Tichy

  10. An Interview with Mark Guzdial, by Peter Denning

  11. An Interview with David Alderson: In search of the real network science, by Peter Denning

  12. Natural Computation, by Erol Gelenbe

  13. Where’s the Science in Software Engineering?, by Walter Tichy

  14. The Computing Sciences and STEM Education, by Paul Rosenbloom

  15. Unplugging Computer Science to Find the Science, by Tim Bell

  16. Closing Statement, by Richard Snodgrass and Peter Denning


Ubiquity Symposium: Evolutionary Computation and the Processes of Life

Table of Contents

  1. Evolutionary Computation and the Processes of Life, Opening Statement, by Mark Burgin and Eugene Eberbach

  2. Life Lessons Taught by Simulated Evolution, by Hans-Paul Schwefel

  3. The Essence of Evolutionary Computation, by Xin Yao

  4. On the Role of Evolutionary Models in Computing, by Max Garzon

  5. Evolutionary Computation as a Direction in Nature-inspired Computing, by Hongwei Mo

  6. The Emperor is Naked: Evolutionary Algorithms for Real-World Applications, by Zbigniew Michalewicz

  7. Darwinian Software Engineering, by Moshe Sipper

  8. Evolutionary Computation and Evolutionary Game Theory, by David Fogel

  9. Evolutionary Computation in the Physical World, by Lukas Sekanina

10. Some Aspects of Computation Essential to Evolution and Life, by Hector Zenil and James Marshall

11. Information, Biological and Evolutionary Computing, by Walter Riofrio

12. Towards Synthesis of Computational Life-like Processes of Functional and Evolvable Proto-systems via Extending Evolutionary Computation, by Darko Roglic

13. What the No Free Lunch Theorems Really Mean: How to Improve Search Algorithms, David Wolpert

14. Perspectives and Reality of Evolutionary Computation, Closing Statement, by Mark Burgin and Eugene Eberbach