acm - an acm publication

2006 - November

  • Software fault avoidance issues
    This article aims to discuss various issues of software fault avoidance. Software fault avoidance aims to produce fault free software through various approaches having the common objective of reducing the number of latent defects in software programs.
  • Ubiquity interview with Neumont's Graham Doxey
    Neumont University in Salt Lake City was featured in Ubiquity two years ago, with an interview with one of its founders, Scott McKinley. We wanted to go back and see how they're doing at this new and unique institution, about which senior vice president Julie Blake has explained: "The industry has said for years that even our best universities aren't preparing students for the workplace. Neumont was founded to fill that niche." Below is a Ubiquity interview with Neumont cofounder and President Graham Doxey.