2001 - November
Complexity in the interface age
by Ubiquity staff
November 2001Do you control technology or does it control you? Jeremy J. Shapiro talks about the power struggle in machine/human relationships and what it means today to be information-technology literate. Shapiro is a faculty member in the Human and Organization Development Program at the Fielding Graduate Institute.
The European IST ExPlanTech project
by Adamantios Koumpis
November 2001Hands-on adoption of a multi-agent production planning technology in the manufacturing industry.
Complexity in the interface Age: An Interview with Jeremy J. Shapiro
by Ubiquity staff
November 2001Do you control technology or does it control you? Jeremy J. Shapiro talks about the power struggle in machine/human relationships and what it means today to be information-technology literate. Shapiro is a faculty member in the Human and Organization Development Program at the Fielding Graduate Institute.
Corporate leadership in a volatile networked world
by Don Tapscott
November 2001When transparency reigns, corporations have nowhere to hide.
What's in a name? Ask yahoo!
by Ubiquity staff
November 2001A company's brand is one of its most valuable assets, one that few high tech companies -- most recently HP and Compaq -- understand how to leverage, according to Sam Hill. Hill is co-author (with Chris Lederer) of the new book, The Infinite Asset: Managing Brands to Build New Value. He is the former chief marketing officer at Booz Allen & Hamilton and currently a partner at Helios Consulting Group and also co-author of Radical Marketing, now in its fourth printing.
Optimizing bandwidth
by Geoffrey Fox, Shrideep Pallickara
November 2001An approach to high performance distributed Web brokering.