acm - an acm publication

2023 - May

  • On Writing Well…and Not So Well

    Each "Communication Corner" essay is self-contained; however, they build on each other. For best results, before reading this essay and doing the exercise, go to the first essay "How an Ugly Duckling Became a Swan," then read each succeeding essay.

    Books on good writing are virtually ubiquitous. They number in the hundreds if not the thousands. Occasionally one comes along that seems to stand head and shoulders above all the rest. But the question is, why?

  • A Conversation with Sunita Chandrasekaran: Exploring sustainable and portable software solutions

    Ubiquity's senior editor Dr. Bushra Anjum chats with Sunita Chandrasekaran, an associate professor with the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Delaware. Chandrasekaran discusses her goal, as a researcher as well as an educator, to prepare the next-generation workforce to tackle rich hardware features while exploring suitable software solutions. The discussion also addresses sustainable, maintainable, and portable solutions for legacy code that is traditionally unsuited for modern architectures.