acm - an acm publication

2005 - October

  • An Interview with Alan Lenton: On Games
    Noted U.K. game designer Alan Lenton talks about his award-winning multi-player game Federation and discusses the sociology and psychology of gaming.
  • INDUS: A New Platform for Ubiquitous Computing
    Kallol Borah began development of the Indus project at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras in 2002. Indus demonstrates how general purpose object oriented programming languages can be extended to enable ubiquitous computing applications.
  • An Interview with William P. Dunk: On Collaboration
    Management consultant and futurist William P. Dunk says, "What collaboration is about is distributed intelligence, and I think that systems and governments and companies are all in such a degree of gridlock now that we desperately need to have broad-based intelligence coming into play everywhere."
  • A Three-Dimensional Model for Evaluating Software Development Projects
    In this model created by Dr. K.V.K.K. Prasad, software development is viewed in two dimensions (despite the title), based on the answer to the questions: 1) Is it inspired by considerations of utility and value? 2) Does it advance software technology?