2005 - January
Mihai Nadin on Anticipatory Systems
by Ubiquity staff
January 2005What is the difference between a falling stone and a falling cat? Mihai Nadin, who directs the newly established Institute for Research in Anticipatory Systems at the University of Texas at Dallas, holds a Ph.D. degree in aesthetics from the University of Bucharest and a post-doctoral degree in philosophy, logic and theory of science from Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, West Germany. He earned an M.S. degree in electronics and computer science from the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest and an M.A. degree in philosophy from the University of Bucharest. He has authored 23 books, including "The Civilization of Illiteracy," "Mind: Anticipation and Chaos," and "Anticipation: The End is Where We Start From."
What makes users unhappy: share-point team services web server security
by Avi Rushinek, Sara Rushinek
January 2005Computer & Internet Security is very important but sometimes it is so confusing and frustrating that it makes users very unhappy to a point where the system is so secure that it cannot be used by its most legitimate users, like system administrators
Czerwinski on Vizualization
by Ubiquity staff
January 2005Mary Czerwinski is Senior Researcher and Group Manager Visualization and Interaction Research Group at Microsoft Research.
Review of 'Einstein's Dreams': Book by Alan Lightman, Pantheon Books, Random House, NYC, NY, 1994
by John Stuckey
January 2005John Stuckey reviews the book 'Einstein's Dreams,' by Alan Lightman: Warner Books Edition, Pantheon Books, Random House, NYC, NY, 1994.
The Visions of Technics
by Bernhard Irrgang
January 2005