2004 - March
An Interview with Jesse Poore: Correct by design
by Ubiquity staff
March 2004Jesse Poore suggests a revolution in programming - holding software developers to the same level of rigor of training and workmanship as other professionals, developing software that's correct by design, and constraining the release of software-intensive products until they are scientifically certified as fit for use.
Technology benefiting humanity
by Jim Fruchterman
March 2004Memo to the new generation of tech philanthropists: Apply the same intellect and discipline to your philanthropy as you employ in business.
The death of the art of writing: myth or reality?
by Victor Tiong Kung Ming
March 2004When it comes to writing, the next generation is all thumbs.
Calm technologies in a multimedia world
by Alexandru Tugui
March 2004In an ideal world, computers will blend into the landscape, will inform but not overburden you with information, and make you aware of them only when you need them.
Roger Brent and the alpha project
by Ubiquity staff
March 2004The work of a multidisciplinary genomic research lab in Berkeley may yield big changes in drug therapy and medicine. Roger Brent is President and Research Director of the Molecular Sciences Institute, an independent nonprofit research laboratory in Berkeley, CA, that combines genomic experimentation with computer modeling. The mission of the MSI is to predict the behavior of cells and organisms in response to defined genetic and environmental changes.