2004 - July
Has the microsoft of today become the IBM of the late '80s?
by Espen Andersen
July 2004Microsoft is the chief target of accusations of unfair competition, buggy software, and general conspiracy theories. The company could learn a few tricks from an old dog like IBM.
An Interview with Aza Raskin: Crafting a revolution
by Ubiquity staff
July 2004Aza Raskin talks about The Humane Environment, his father (inventor of the Macintosh), and challenging the status quo. This apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
S. Joy mountford on interface design
by Ubiquity staff
July 2004The ultimate technology world will be soft, flexible and addressable. But the issues will remain the same, according to interface designer S. Joy Mountford: What do people like and what do people want?
Why are you stealing that software: piracy in South East Asia
by Louis Jezsik
July 2004