acm - an acm publication

2003 - October

  • Port wars
    In the not-too-distant-future, firewalls spark a battle over port regulation and ownership
  • The digital aid framework
    Technology enables humanitarian relief organizations to come closer to achieving Dunant's dream. The Digital Aid Framework shows organizations how to use technology during complex humanitarian relief operations.
  • Talking with security expert M. E. Kabay
    Adaptive attackers, novice computer users, indifferent management - it's no wonder our defensive mechanisms need continuous refinement.
  • The aeffability of knowledge management
    The Aeffability of Knowledge Management [1] The challenge of knowledge management, and hence of online learning, is to make it work with the complexity and richness of actual human communication.
  • Fault management in mobile computing
    Business people on the go need portability and mobility in their computing environments. However, such mobile environments often suffer from transient faults. This article discusses how to manage faults in order to get better availability for small wireless devices.