2003 - February
Clock driven scheme to initialize the sequence number
by Chong Kim
February 2003Using TCP deal with delayed duplicates of both old and new connections
Hacking primes
by Patrick Amato
February 2003Visualization of prime numbers may further the understanding and safeguarding of encryption techniques.
At the crossroads of technology and policy
by Ubiquity staff
February 2003Lorrie Cranor on privacy, online voting and Internet censorship.
Genesis of an anthill: wireless technology and self-organizing systems
by Espen Andersen
February 2003The future belongs to small, connected devices that will wirelessly allow the user -- and the technology -- to self-organize, creating something smart out of many small and simple nodes and connections.
Predicting context aware computing performance
by Eli Rohn
February 2003Computer systems will increasingly need to be sensitive to their context to serve their users better.In this paper we forecast the capabilities of context aware computing and relating it to a time frame.Our short-range analysis indicates such systems will become commercially available and common by 2007.Our mid-range analysis indicates that the development pace of Context Aware systems will start to slow down by 2020 and will reach maturity by 2035.
Review of "Bell labs: Life in the Crown Jewel" by Narain Gehani, Silicon Press
by Robert M. Siegmann
February 2003Competition in the telecommunications industry has come at a tremendous cost