2001 - January
The civilization of illiteracy
by Mihai Nadin
January 2001
The Piper Cub Offense
by Jef Raskin
January 2001
Effective unit testing
by Tim Burns
January 2001
Radical Innovation: how mature companies can outsmart upstarts
by James F. Doyle
January 2001
Structured Chat
by M. O. Thirunarayanan, Aixa Perez-Prado
January 2001
Controlling risk
by Patricia Duhart McNair
January 2001
Sam Spam the flimflam man
by Shannon Jacobs
January 2001
The human-centric approach
by Michael L. Dertouzos
January 2001
Unchained value: the new logic of digital business
by Mary J. Cronin
January 2001
In good company: how social capital makes organizations work
by Donald J. Cohen, Laurence Prusak
January 2001
Now hiring: Sciengineer
by R. Raghuraman
January 2001
The new challenges of E-learning
by William H. Graves
January 2001